Monday, December 12, 2011

My Blissful Journey?!?

Lately, I've noticed, when I talk about *my blissful journey*, I get eye rolls and deep sighs. It's important I make it clear- I don't spend my whole existence floating on Cloud 9. If I did, I would surely nominate myself a guru and my followers would erect a temple for me where I could teach the art of being godly in a human world.

So, maybe it's not always rainbows and rosebushes. Perhaps having a *blissful journey* is more about looking at the world in a realistic way- allowing yourself to be so honest with yourself that you know which emotional platform your standing on and you can choose to step up into a higher vibration instead of nosediving into your emotional baggage and preconceived ideas. 

I found choosing nourishing food and ideas was a monumental first step for me. The moment I cut out filling my body and mind with garbage, my life shifted. In our world, sometimes it's hard to see the garbage for what it really is. At one time, I found myself so blinded by what I saw around me, by what I'd been taught to believe, that I ignored the truth staring me in the face.

Perhaps your blissful journey is right in front of you.